Monday, February 21, 2011

A professor of the practice of 248 years of university education must not be confined to the ivory tower - the Haipei ...

 Ho Village (Bohai University journalism professor):
5 years of my greatest achievement, summarized in one sentence, is to lead students to take root in the earth, broaden our path of social practice.
I was a university journalism teachers. a national leader said, deep feelings about this sentence. I think students learn to take responsibility, than to teach him the knowledge is important. must not be confined to the ivory tower of university education.
with this belief, in 2005, I led the students Bohai University students founded with the Agriculture Research Center, established a personnel. I lead college students traveled to various cities in Liaoning, in the vast rural fields, community facility, launched a survey of more than 20 rural issues, conducted a series of Features practice.
Shanghai training chair for the survey so that students can have a place to publish, I went to Shenyang, Beijing and around the contact media. in Shenyang, a media, I stood at the door to people about our ideas, our efforts, finally touched each other, so that students work to be published.
2006  6 months, a detailed description of the living conditions of rural children left behind Report published by the media, has aroused strong repercussions. After that, I then led the students in a life the expansion of the educational philosophy I also received more support. Now, our college has more than 10 units and Jinzhou cooperation, the establishment of a journalism practice teaching base. students are more in-depth extensive contact with the community, and through the press have written, concerned about the success of enterprise, understand the changes in rural development, directly involved in social work services.
to give up a lot of research time, though, but I think worth it. As a teacher training university press personnel, efforts should be made for students in the deep understanding of state and the people and deep love

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