Thursday, February 17, 2011

LG hand of God pushing lease financing large inventory of security codes 2010

 2010 years, this is called Gone are the times, expand product lines, market front stretch, pull wide to become a bargaining chip security companies combat the market.

Digital China in recent years in the field of security actions can be said that more and more, In 2010, the new move of God and which code? We come to take stock of what:

1. Gongtuo hand LG Electronics Security Market

4 14, LG Electronics ( China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as LG Electronics) and Digital China (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Digital China) held a press conference in Beijing, the two sides formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement, both sides of this contract highlights the and create the strategic significance of the market situation and determination.

Comments: LG Electronics on behalf of the world's leading electronic products and solutions development, and Digital China will carry the channels of the most extensive customer resources the two platforms on the integration of their respective strengths to jointly enter the security market, for other security companies, is also a great challenge.

2. introduced Vivid Image technology to solve the image performance balance

2010, Digital AMPON (An Peng) to rely on independent innovation of new technologies introduced Vivid Image technology, which is the first comprehensive consideration of the three core elements of surveillance cameras make new original technology. Vivid Image technology from the definition, illumination and color reproduction aspects, namely the design of ultra high resolution, ultra low-light technology, color reproduction and noise reduction technology and stain technology, effective solution to the conflict between the performance and achieve the three core performance the best balance, enhancing the overall performance of surveillance camera images of the integrated force.

Comments: Vivid Image technology, there is not accidental, but inevitable, but whether they can fundamentally solve the performance of the existing surveillance cameras the core issue remains to be seen.

3. innovative business models introduced lease financing services

rapid economic development in society now, and financial leasing services for the development of market economy into a strong vitality, With its powerful compatibility, including IBM, Hewlett-Packard and other international giants have launched in September .. financial leasing services, Digital China has announced its entry into the field of finance lease, a security industry first to offer financial leasing services to domestic brands.

Comments: With the accelerating process of IP security services become increasingly important, growing competition encourages everyone to strive to find new business models and new business growth, such as lease financing services, and such video hosting service.

article reproduced from the rental network, see more exciting information please visit the Rent website:

in the net lease financing company committed to solve the problem of information asymmetry, lower cost, fast docking of resources; build the project (financing, the seller), capital (investment, the buyer) and the third value-added information platform for the cooperation of parties to screen the real potential for investment projects worth grafting; released the latest industry information the fastest, most comprehensive coverage of government policies and relevant laws and regulations; to provide matching information, advertising services, value-added resources to improve services .

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