Tuesday, January 18, 2011


 Wage growth in Asia lead the world!
global Wage growth in Asia lead the world!

the overall economic data is often difficult for people to intuitively understand the impact of the economic crisis, people feel the payroll world economic situation is a Recently, the International Labour Organization (ILO) released a report entitled

According to the report, the European countries and some major developed countries since 2007, wages declined significantly since the financial crisis, but thanks to strong economic and wage growth, wage growth in Asia's overall global & ldquo ; thriving.

According to reports, In 2008, the organization began publishing the Global salary survey.

report analyzes wage data from 115 countries, covering 94% of workers worldwide, representing 98.5% of the global total wages.

results show that in 2007, before the outbreak of the financial crisis, the global average growth rate of wages (excluding China) was 2.2%; while the 2008 and 2009, wage growth fell to 0.8%, respectively, and 0.7% .

include the world's major economies, the average wage growth rate of the Group of Twenty (excluding China) fell more significantly, from 1.8% to 2007 and 2009 in 2008 to 0.5%.

report pointed out that this is after deducting for inflation, real wages growth. If you do not take into account inflation, the nominal wage growth in 2009 will be even greater decline, but due to rapid decline in inflation over the same period, inflation rates in many economies, even negative, it barely makes a slight increase in real wages. [1] [2]

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